Introduction to Safeguarding

Safeguarding for staff and volunteers for VCS groups working in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole or wider Dorset.

Anyone who works or volunteers with children, young people and/or adults must have the knowledge and skills needed to help keep them safe.

This free course (equivalent to Safeguarding  Level 1) on 15th July, at Beech House, Poole, introduces safeguarding for staff and volunteers for VCS groups working in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole or wider Dorset.

After this session, participants should be able to identify different types of abuse, understand what safeguarding entails, recognise safeguarding issues, and spot signs and symptoms of abuse. They will also learn who may be affected, how to report concerns, share experiences, and grasp the importance of the Safeguarding Policy.

Book via Eventbrite. Places are limited to 2 per organisation. Organisations must work in BCP or Dorset Council areas.

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