Mental Health Awareness webinar for Volunteer Coordinators

This session is to give volunteer coordinators the confidence in supporting the mental health & wellbeing of their volunteers.

Volunteer Coordinators play a vital role in supporting the wellbeing of their volunteers and ensuring they have a safe and supportive environment in which to volunteer. This includes being able to identify signs of poor mental health, putting into place appropriate support and making reasonable adjustments, and creating a culture of understanding and openness.

To give you the confidence in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your volunteers, we have invited Laura from Dorset Mind to deliver this session and she will be covering:

  • What is mental health and well-being
  • How can we support volunteers with their mental health
  • 5 steps to well-being
  • Wellness Action Plans (WAP)
  • How to signpost volunteers to other avenues of support

To book:

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