Why join CAN?

Championing Dorset’s Voluntary and Community Sector

We’re a member-led organisation, with members at the heart of everything we do, ensuring we are accountable to and representative of the voluntary and community sector.

Membership is free and open to all, whether you’re a micro-community group, a national charity or someone working in the local authority or NHS. Check which membership is right for you or sign-up now.

I joined Poole Waste Not Want Not in 2021 when it was in an unstable position. The support and funding advice I received from CAN has been instrumental in the growth of our charity.

Poole Waste Not Want Not

Erika, Manager

CAN’s help has been invaluable on everything from our policies and procedures to developing our roles and knowledge as trustees. We now understand how our constitution relates to day-to-day operations which puts us in a much stronger position.

Waterwide Weymouth Community Forum

Georgia and Victoria, Trustees

CAN help to promote our volunteering vacancies and support us with advice on managing our wonderful volunteers. Their free webinars and networking groups are fun and a great chance to be with other volunteer managers in similar roles so we can share ideas and collaborate.

Lewis-Manning Hospice Care

Lyndsey, Volunteer Manager

Our growing membership brings us intelligence and insight about the voluntary and public sector. We use this to advocate at local and national level; and to ensure we are representative and accountable.

Our board of volunteer trustees (primarily drawn from the local charities and community groups) leads us in our member-driven approach, helping to reflect the sector we serve and reinforcing our commitment to everyone involved.

We’re passionate about the value of voluntary organisations, charities and community groups to change lives and build strong communities, so we provide leadership for the sector and bring people together to collaborate.

We offer free memberships to the VCS and our public sector colleagues. Sign up today.

Read: Members' stories

Member stories

Hear how CAN have helped a range of organisations.

Read: Membership responsibilities

Membership responsibilities

How members help support CAN – just by signing up!