VCS Representation

CAN work with colleagues from charities and community groups, health, and councils; and support the private sector to create safe, fair, healthy, prosperous, and sustainable communities where people can live their best lives.

Charities and community groups play a huge role locally in improving people’s lives and are well-placed to understand and work with communities to empower positive change. We ensure they have a place at the table where discussions are held, and decisions about public services are made.

Our engagement mechanisms support gathering and sharing insights. These include:

Representing the voluntary sector

As the local infrastructure charity, we are frequently asked to represent the voluntary sector. While one of our team is often best placed for this role, our members have specific knowledge and awareness oftheir area of work.

VCS Involvement Partner (VCSIP)

We share opportunities for charity and community group representation on boards/meetings and ask local groups to put forward a representative, known as a VCS Involvement Partner (VCSIP).

We work with both the Board and the VCSIP to ensure clarity on roles, responsibilities, governance, and how insights will be gathered and shared. The VCS Involvement Partner enables charities and community groups to inform, influence, and partner in the development and delivery of public services.

Support and Advocacy

The VCSIPs are supported by CAN and have access to our expertise, advocacy and engagement mechanisms.

Get involved

    • Interested in becoming a VCSIP? Contact
    • Looking to better work with local charities and community groups and would like representation on your board/meeting? We can help you establish your rationale for wanting representation and how this can best work for you and the representative. Contact
    • Already have someone from the voluntary and community sector on your board but not via CAN? We can still support them with our extensive engagement mechanisms.