Volunteer Coordinators Meeting

These meetings are open to anyone involved in the management of volunteers and include discussions, sharing of good practice and networking!

In this meeting, we will be looking at and discussing the key findings from the Time Well Spent Report 2023 which can be found at the NVCO website. Questions to be discussed include:

  • Why is volunteering satisfaction decreasing and what can we do to mitigate this
  • How can we ensure the roles we offer are meaningful and flexible?
  • How can we increase the diversity within our volunteer programmes?
  • What can we do to make volunteering more accessible for those from a diverse range of backgrounds?
  • How can we make volunteering ‘more affordable’?

Through discussing these questions and sharing our own experiences, we can potentially identify adaptations we can make to our own volunteering programmes or look to change certain processes which may be preventing people from volunteering.

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