This page covers FAQs relating to the NHS Dorset ‘Access to Community Support & Services’ project. It will be updated regularly as the project progresses. There is more information about the purpose and aims of the project here.

The Service Finder tool states it is a 'beta version'. What does this mean?

This is a version that has been made available for testing. This will help us to develop the tool before making it available more widely.

If you have encountered any errors within the tool, please report them here.

How will information about local services be monitored and maintained?

All services will undergo a regular assurance process to confirm/update information to ensure data remains accurate. This will be completed by the CAN Data Assurance Team. We anticipate will occur approximately every two to six months depending on the nature of the service.  

What types of support will be included in the data standard?

During the initial stages of this pilot project, we worked collaboratively with representatives from the voluntary and community sector and statutory organisations across Dorset to identify services types available locally. It is hoped that by doing so, it will enable frontline workers to more accurately filter search results when using directories linked to the standardised data.  

How do you ensure that service descriptions are easy to understand?

Each service provider submits a description of their own service. These are reviewed to ensure they are easy to read using AI and online readability tools.

We aim to ensure that any descriptions are easy to read for someone with a reading age of 11 – 14 years old. This follows NHS guidance.

Can you record information about drop-in support sessions delivered by organisations?

Yes, you can!

When you submit information about your organisation, there is an option to tell us about ‘sessions’ you deliver, for example if you have a support group which occurs every Monday at a specific time.

How do I register my interest in the project so I can receive regular updates?

You can email us on, or alternatively, directly contact our Digital Access Project Manager, Kelly by clicking here

Read: Community Wellbeing across Dorset

About the ACSS project

Find out more about the 'Access to Community Support & Services' project.

Read: Community Wellbeing across Dorset

How can we register our services?

A overview of the simple options for you to register services or sessions as part of the project.

Read: Community Wellbeing across Dorset

How is the data handled?

A summary of the approach to handling data and the detailed supporting documents.