The Colour Works Foundation (TCWF) vision is that every young person has the Emotional Intelligence to recognise and use their strengths in their relationships and future careers. They work with 15 to 25-year-olds whose experience of mainstream education has not enabled them to fulfil their potential and may Not be in Employment, Education, or Training (NEET).
Support is also available for socially or economically disadvantaged young people, including young carers and children in care. Young people taking part are selected by their school, college or youth organisation and are supported to develop their Emotional Intelligence through focusing on the following:
- Self awareness – who am I? What am I great at? What do I struggle with? What inspires me?
- Self management – what frustrates me? Do I react or respond? How well do I present myself? How do I build resilience?
- Understanding others – who do I naturally get on with and who not? Why might that be? How might I learn to value the differences?
- Relationship skills – how do I come across to others? Who are the critical people in my life? How might I adapt my style to meet their needs?
- Decision making – do I have a purpose? What help do I need to make better decisions?
Young People with strong Emotional Intelligence are:
- 66% more likely to have strong relationships
- 58% more likely to succeed academically
- 90% of top performers in the workplace
Are you a school, college or youth organisation working with young people who could benefit from this course? Liz and Giles are happy to come and meet with you to share more details of the course and how we can benefit the young people you work with.
Get in touch
Email Liz Davies:
Email Giles Miskin:
T: 07305 336331