CAN produces fabulous films celebrating Dorset’s Charities & Community Groups

Published on 24 April, 2023

Four films highlighting the range, scale and impact of the Charities & Community Groups sector received their premiere at the county’s first Charities & Community Groups EXPO 2023 in April.   

Community Action Network worked in partnership with Bournemouth University, to organise the EXPO, and the day was kindly sponsored by NHS Dorset, and Lester Aldridge. The aim was to showcase the incredible range, scale and impact of the voluntary and community sector and the role it plays working as valued partners with the NHS and local authority.  

With nearly 8000 organisations and charities across the county, the films focused on the work of four and how they deliver different services to local communities: 

  • The HealthBus Trust, a Bournemouth-based charity, provides specialist accessible healthcare for people experiencing homelessness. 
  • Island Community Actionprovides essential support to Portland’s most vulnerable residents and works with the community to celebrate and champion the Island’s potential, people and unique environment. 
  • DorPIP, work with families to build skills that create and develop the crucial early bond with babies that provide a healthy foundation for life through education and therapy. 
  • Dorset MIND connects people and communities. They change minds by challenging mental health stigma and inequality of access to services for adults and young people across Dorset. 

Karen Loftus, CAN’s CEO, said: “We could easily have made thousands of films showcasing the life-saving services delivered by the voluntary and community sector each-and-every day across the community. The increasing recognition of the expertise and benefits our sector brings is crucial.  It’s people powered and it’s a force to be reckoned with. A massive thank you to those who took part in the filming and in particular the volunteers who are the life-blood of all them.”