Working together for community wellbeing

Published on 19 July, 2024

The Wellbeing Volunteers

Community Action Network bring together colleagues from across the NHS, local councils, charities, and community groups to develop solutions that address the challenges people face in our communities.

The ever-increasing pressures of daily life and the growing mental health crisis make the need for strong social connections and practical support very clear. The Wellbeing Volunteers are part of the CAN Wellbeing Collaborative, a project commissioned by BCP Council Adult Social Care that connects people to personalised support from the voluntary and community sector. In the last year, Wellbeing Volunteers dedicated 86 hours to telephone calls and in the last 6 months, have given 84 hours of weekly befriending visits. Feedback from people supported by a Wellbeing Volunteer has called it ‘wonderful’ and an ‘excellent experience’.

Supporting healthcare professionals and patients

Reduced burden on services, improved patient outcomes and stronger partnerships are just some of the benefits to healthcare professionals and patients. So far, Wellbeing Volunteers have dedicated 400 hours to people in the local community, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from their conversations and meetings. This has helped alleviate the pressure on health and social care professionals by offering a dedicated outlet for the patients to share concerns and worries and experience joy and connection. By addressing loneliness and isolation, befriending services contribute to better mental health and overall wellbeing. CAN work with healthcare professionals to ensure we offer the right support to the right people.

Positive outcomes for residents 

An investment in resident wellbeing, the results of the project include reduced loneliness and isolation, improved quality of life and better social connection.

Individuals can connect with friendly volunteers who provide practical support to manage daily tasks and companionship. Since its inception, the project has logged hundreds of hours of volunteer service, directly impacting the lives of numerous individuals. A recent case study highlighted the positive impact on a patient like Gill, who found companionship and support through a Wellbeing Volunteer, leading to improved mood and coping mechanisms.  Volunteers also report a sense of purpose and community through their involvement.

Get involved

We encourage Healthcare Professionals to refer patients who might benefit from companionship or support from a volunteer as an addition to a care plan.

CAN are ready to discuss further collaboration to maximise the project’s impact or answer any queries regarding the referral process and services offered.

Together, we can build a healthier and more connected Dorset.